TopIT is a tool that looks through the list of all the top level windows that are active and displays the caption for each in a list box. After selecting a window in TopIT's list box, you can click on a button to move the window to the topmost z-order so it appears on top of all the other normal windows. TOPIT.EXE and TOPIT.HLP can be run from any directory that you want as long as they are in the same directory. THREED.VBX is required by TopIT and should be put into your WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory, if you don't have it there already. TopIT has some interesting uses and illustrates some useful programming tricks. By exploring TopIT's source code you will learn more about windows and messages--as well as learn how to build a graphical push button as an alternative to using control windows. The C source code for Topper (TopIT's predecessor) is available with the book Advanced Tools for Windows Developers book published by Sybex. You can purchase the Visual C++ source code for TopIT that includes the simple one window application template builder for Visual C++, MakeMFC, directly from Digital Artistry by sending a check for $25 to: Digital Artistry 1900 Preston Road, Suite 267-230 Plano, TX 75093 TopIT was derived from another program I wrote called Topper. Topper is just one of many tools that are included in a book I wrote for Sybex called, Advanced Tools for Windows Developers. Advanced Tools for Windows Developers is not just another Windows Programming book. In it you'll find detailed information and practical examples on using the tools that are included in Microsoft C/C++ 7.0, Visual C++, and Borland C++. You will also learn about many 3rd party tools such as CASE:W, WindowsMAKER Professional, RoboHELP, Magic Fields, DialogCoder, DeMystifiers, and more. Sample programs included with the book illustrate a wide range of state-of-the-art techniques--everything from incorporating new Windows 3.1 features into your program, to managing memory and resources, programming with DDE, monitoring and fine-tuning performance, debugging, and much more. Advanced Tools for Windows developers will give you the most in-depth information available about how to debug a Windows application. Six megabytes of ready-to-run software are included on the two book diskettes. All include full source code. Some of the examples include: ToolPAL - A customizable floating toolbar for any Windows application. Topper - A tool that can lock any application's window on top. DumpIT - A hexadecimal file viewer that illustrates how to use many Windows 3.1 features, including ToolHelp, Common Dialogs, STRICT coding style, message crackers, the new Windows 3.1 macro API, customizing Common Dialogs, and MDI programming. ResourceMonitor - Another STRICT Windows application that uses message crackers. ResourceMonitor keeps track of memory and Windows system resources. There is also a special version of Resource Monitor that comes with the book that's a DDE server. You can get Advanced Tools for Windows Developer from your local computer book store or order it directly from Sybex by calling: (800) 227-2346.